Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Be Part of The All A-Merry-Can Christmas Show in 2014

Christmas in the City - 9th Year!

Take a peek at your calendars, pick a date and come on out & see Christmas in the City! Text or call 517-936-8130 or email cabaretchristmas@gmail.com. for reservations.

Christmas is Coming!

The Encore Musical Theatre Company is well underway in our rehearsals for CHRISTMAS CAROLED!  As the set is being completed, and our costumer is hard at work in her costume shop, it is never too early for YOU to make your plans to come see Christmas Caroled at The Encore!  Christmas Caroled performances run November 20 - December 21, no performance on Thanksgiving Day.  Having company come to town and looking for something to do?? Bring them to The Encore for a Holiday treat the whole family will enjoy!

"A unique take on a holiday musical, Christmas Caroled!  draws on a classic tale, then wraps its story around an old-fashioned TV Christmas special - presented live! Gather around the stage this year for a magical holiday experience the whole family will enjoy!"