Saturday, February 13, 2010

Auditions for Michigan Shakespeare Festival

The Michigan Shakespeare Festival will be casting non-Equity actors for our 2010 Short Shakespeare tour of Romeo & Juliet on Saturday, February 20: 1-5 pm, and Sunday, February 21 11-3 pm at the Jackson Symphony Orchestra Hall, 215 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson, MI, 49201.

Looking for all ages, all types (casting is colorblind): all roles are open. Will cast 3 woman and 6 to 7 men.

Also looking for a tour manager with theatrical technical experience.

Please prepare 1 Shakespeare/classical monologue (verse), 2 minutes or less.

Be prepared for some possible reading of sides; sides are available on our website:;

There will be a read-through and Folio workshop on Monday, February 22 that the cast must attend. Rehearsals will be held the weekend of March 6/7, March 20/21, and the week of April 11-18. We will work around SOME conflicts.

Performances will be held during the day April 19—April 30 around 1 pm in the afternoon at schools around Washtenaw and Jackson County, with other performances possible.

Good pay for performances.

To sign up for an audition time or if you have any questions, please e-mail us at