Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Center Stage Scholarship returns!

Center Stage Jackson will once again be providing scholarships to support students pursuing further education in the theatre arts or theatre training. The dollar amount of the scholarships will be determined by the number of qualifying applicants but will not be less than $100.  The number of recipients and total dollars available will vary up to the awarding of the grants.

1) Applicant is furthering their career in the theatre arts or theatre training.
2) Applicant has a current high school or post-secondary educational institution GPA of 2.5 or greater and is planning to attend or is attending a post-secondary fully accredited junior college, college, university, or trade school.
3) Scholarship must be used for tuition, fees, books, or other academic expenses.  A current grade transcript needs to be attached to the application.

Note: Extra points are granted to applicants whose parents, grandparents, step-parents, step-grandparents, guardians, or the students themselves are members of Center Stage Jackson. For information about becoming a member, please click here or contact Administrative Director Katie Meyers at katierosemeyers@gmail.com.

Applications must be received by Monday July 11, 2016 by sending the below application to:
Center Stage Jackson
Attn: Scholarship Committee
PO Box 822
Jackson, MI 49204

Click here to download the 2016 Scholarship Application

Winners will be selected on the basis of Center Stage Jackson’s established scoring policy, a copy of which is available upon request. Ties will be broken using a blind random drawing.  Scholarship winners will be announced at the Center Stage Jackson Annual Meeting on August 16, 2016.

The Center Stage Jackson Scholarship Fund is an independent, self supporting project which does not use funds from any ongoing Center Stage Jackson accounts but relies entirely on donations which are explicitly designated for the Center Stage Jackson Scholarship Fund. Money for scholarships comes from individual contributions designated for this project.  If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please contact Chuck Thor at (517) 414-8652.

Contact: Chuck Thor at (517) 414-8652 or info@centerstagejackson.org.


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