Friday, January 18, 2008

VIP Grant Received from Consumers Energy Foundation

On Wednesday evening just before the board and other members of Center Stage Jackson toured the historical Michigan Theatre in downtown Jackson, member Doug Meyers presented President Chris Gorton with a check for $750 from the Consumers Energy Foundation.

The check was part of the Volunteer Investment (VIP) Program recognizing organizations where employees and/or retirees have volunteered during the past 12 months. Doug and Don Mansfield filed the request on behalf of Center Stage!

The grant was doubled as a result of the Foundation's CEEPSACER Program. CEEPSACER (CMS Energy Employees Providing Service Around Children's Essential Resources) was established as part of Consumers Energy's commitment to America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth.

The money will be used to continue, strengthen, and extend the reach of the Youth Theatre program begun this past year. Earlier grants allowed Center Stage to lower ticket prices for young people making live theatre more accessible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice beard Doug, you are getting old. I haven't seen you since 1994. Nice to see such a donation as well, see you some time.