Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Five Forever from Little Women

Here's a video of Five Forever from Little Women that was shot at rehearsal last night. The show previews this evening and opens on Friday.

Because he rescued Amy (Mary Krzesicki) when she fell through the ice while skating, Jo (Anne Fleming) and her sisters Meg (Tiffany Doan) and Beth (Francesca Vitali) decide to make Laurie (Chris Fultz) their "honorary" brother!


Anonymous said...

Love the clip,
Can't wait to see the show, sounded outstanding!!!

Break a leg

Tom Hutt

lidija. said...

ohmygosh! the show was phenomenal! i dreamt about it all night long and woke up thinking about it! Ann, you have much to be proud of! what an amazing cast! awesome set & crew as well! seriously! i feel bad for those who will miss the show. a true treasure in our neighborhood!!!!

Anonymous said...

When I saw the cast and crew list I thought this was going to be a good show? I was wrong, it is a great show, the best I've seen at JCC. The cast was outstanding the Ann Fleming was "Astonishing".

Tom Hutt

Anonymous said...

Loved the clip! Great cast and wonderful talent shown. Joann Drayton is my sister and Keith is my brother-in-law. I am so proud of their accomplishments and community involvement. They are great folks as you know. Sorry I missed the out-of state. Judy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all on a sell-out. How great! Show is fabulous. Loved it.

Sandy Sykes