'Cinderella Waltz' gives grown-ups
a new take on classic fairy tale
JCC students will present a different kind of fairy tale, "Cinderella Waltz" by Don Nigro, the last two weekends of October.
"Cinderella Waltz" is a fairy tale for grown-ups, with humor and a different kind of ending, said director Sandy DiCesare, coordinator of educational theatre at the College. It tells the story of Rosey Snow, who is trapped in a fairy tale world that is by turns funny and a little frightening. With her are stepsisters Goneril and Regan, her demented stepmother, her lecherous father, a bewildered Prince, a fairy godmother who sings salty old sailor songs, a troll and a possibly homicidal village idiot. It is meant for mature audiences, similar to a PG-13 rating.
"Cinderella Waltz" will be presented at 8 p.m. Oct. 20, 21, 22, 28 and 29, and 3 p.m. Oct. 23 and 30 in the Ruth Day Theater, Potter Center. Special preview show Oct. 20, all tickets $2. Tickets for all other performances are $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and students.